peringatan yg terakhir bahasa Inggris
- peringatan: admonition; commemorate; commemoration;
- yg: physically; whom; whose
- terakhir: endmost; eventual; last; last ditch; latest; more
- orang yg terakhir: latter
- perhentian bas yg terakhir: terminus
- tempat perhentian bas yg terakhir: terminal
- peringatan: admonition; commemorate; commemoration; expostulation; handwriting on the wall; memorial; notice; remembrance; reminder; tipoff; with caution; admonishment; caution; cautionary; example; warning; sp
- terakhir: endmost; eventual; last; last ditch; latest; more recent; the last years; ultimate; up-to-the-minute; final; senior; rear; net; back; end; finally; depot; worthless; youngest; terminus; lowest; comp
- catatan peringatan: aide memoire
- hadits peringatan: hadith of warning
- hari peringatan: jubilee; remembrance days; poppy day; remembrance sunday; remembrance day
- iklan peringatan: institutional advertising
- memberi peringatan: sound the alarm; sounded the alarm; sounding the alarm; warning
- mengandung peringatan: admonitory; admonitorial; opprobrious; cautionary
- peringatan (katolik): memorial (liturgy)